Why You Need a Dental Check-Up

A dental check-up goes a long way when it comes to keeping your teeth healthy. It consists of a visual examination looking for developing dental and health issues, plus preventative treatments like teeth cleanings. Dentists recommend coming in for a dental check-up two times a year, and people who follow their advice rarely find themselves dealing with serious dental issues. Conversely, people who seldom visit the dentist unless something is wrong often go from one major dental problem to another.

The benefits of a dental check-up

Dental check-ups can be broken up into two main parts: an examination and teeth cleaning. Let us take a closer look at these two aspects of a dental examination.

The examination

The examination part of a patient’s check-up typically starts with a visual examination of the patient’s teeth. The dentist will examine their teeth, gums, head, and neck, looking for signs of developing issues or abnormal growths. Tools like a probe might be used to check for gum disease, and diagnostics like x-rays can be used to look for cavities between teeth and in teeth roots.

Existing issues the patient has are often detected during the examination, and recommendations are made on how to treat them. The dentist will also discuss any aesthetic problems they notice during the examination with the patient. Depending on the severity of the patient’s issues, the dentist might perform treatments during the same visit or schedule them for a later date.

Teeth cleaning

This part of a dental exam is performed to remove tartar from teeth surfaces. Tartar builds up on teeth over time, and brushing or flossing cannot remove it. Tartar ruins the way teeth look and it promotes tooth decay and gum disease. It houses bacteria and the acids they make that damage teeth structures.

Teeth cleaning involves the dentist using a scaler to remove tartar deposits and plaque from the patient’s teeth. It is a painless procedure, so there is no need for a local anesthetic. Once the patient’s teeth have been thoroughly cleaned and flossed, the dentist will polish them with a special paste.

Other benefits of regular dental exams

Dentists also use routine appointments to educate patients about oral hygiene and how to take better care of their teeth. They can also administer preventative procedures like the application of dental sealants or fluoride treatments.

Cosmetic issues can also be addressed during routine visits. Dentists have many ways to go about improving the way teeth look, and many can be squeezed into the patient’s routine appointment. For example, a discolored tooth can be covered up with a composite resin during the patient’s appointment. Other cosmetic treatments like the placement of veneers might require multiple trips to the dentist.

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Why it is Important to Treat a Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth is a common dental injury that can happen to anyone. It’s not always easy to tell when a chip has occurred, and often the only sign of a chip is discomfort or pain in your mouth. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s essential to see your dentist as soon as possible. The sooner you get treated for chips, the better off you’ll be! Here are some reasons why it’s so important:

Save money

chipped tooth that’s not treated right away will only get worse over time, and this could cost you more than if you were to treat it quickly. Treatment for a chip like this is much cheaper because the damage has already been done. Your dentist can usually repair it immediately, and you’ll be out the door in no time without having to pay for a new filling or crown.

Save your tooth

Chips that aren’t treated immediately run a high risk of further damage as bacteria build up over time. This not only poses major dental issues but also the possibility of losing your tooth entirely. If you’re in pain, there’s a good chance that the chip already had some damage to this point! Getting it fixed immediately is much better than waiting for things to get even worse and having to pay more later.

Save your smile

If left untreated for too long, chips can lead to a much bigger problem: cracks. Cracks and chips both pose the same issues, but they’re harder to detect than chipped teeth at first glance. Therefore, it’s essential to see your dentist as soon as possible if you think something might be wrong with your tooth.

Sometimes dental injuries can change a person’s smile in ways they don’t want. Braces are often used to help fix the alignment of teeth that have been affected by dental injuries like this, but you’ll still need some time off work and school for it.

Save your time (and sanity!)

Nobody wants to wait around for a dental emergency to be treated. Chips run the risk of becoming worse as time goes on, so it’s best if you see your dentist right away and don’t have to worry about going back later.

Lead to infection

You could be more likely to end up with decay or an infection. If your chipped tooth is damaged and you don’t treat it, your tooth could be more susceptible to developing decay and disease.

Affect your chewing and speaking

Chips can also lead to problems with the alignment of your bite. This often causes you to chew food on one side more than the other, which will eventually cause uneven wear within each tooth. It makes it much harder for teeth to work together as a unit if damage has already occurred! If left untreated, you’ll most likely have trouble pronouncing certain letters too.

Lead to a root canal

Depending on how severe the damage is and where it’s located in your mouth, chips can also end up needing a root canal treatment. Therefore, it’s in your interest to get any dental injury taken care of as soon as possible while things are still in their early stages! If left untreated for far too long, or if the chip has broken down into decay that goes deeper than just the enamel, you may need a root canal to fix it.

Cause your other teeth and gums problems

By preventing bacteria from entering your mouth, chips can help prevent further damage elsewhere. This can cause problems with your gums and other teeth, which might need to be treated before any root canals are necessary.


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How a Smile Makeover Can Improve Your Teeth

Have you been thinking about getting a smile makeover? If you are unhappy with the way your teeth look, it might be time for treatment. Depending on the problem you are facing, there are various methods the dentist can use to improve your appearance. You no longer have to feel embarrassed about your smile or stay away from social situations. Exploring your options can give you peace of mind and a new outlook for a new smile.

Issues that affect a smile

Poor oral hygiene, accidents, genetics can each contribute to cosmetic flaws in teeth. Each example can hinder a smile and cause health challenges. Damage to a tooth or multiple teeth can be problematic. This can be in the form of a chip, crack, or fracture. A hard blow to the face, biting into an object, or decay can cause these conditions.

Misaligned, abnormally large or small, or crowded teeth can also impact a smile. People also struggle with discoloration on their teeth. Often, poor brushing habits or eating certain food can cause staining. Gum problems, such as swelling or recession, can also require a smile makeover.


A dental crown is a common solution for damage or trauma. Crowns are devices that fit entirely over the affected tooth. If a tooth has an injury, the crown stabilizes it, protects it from additional problems, and restores its appearance and function. Crowns can also be tooth-colored, so this treatment will blend in well with the rest of the teeth.


Dental veneers can do an effective job in a smile makeover because they can make a tooth any desired shape or size. It is also made of porcelain, meaning it can be any color shade the patient wants. A veneer attaches to the front surface of the tooth. It bonds with dental cement and can withstand years of force as well as wear and tear.

Teeth whitening

Drinking cola, coffee, wine, and tea can stain teeth. Eating foods such as tomato sauce and some fruits can also cause discoloration. Over time, the natural whiteness of a tooth can turn yellow, gray, or brown. This unappealing sight can prompt a person to get a smile makeover. Various teeth-whitening methods are available to change a stained tooth back to its original, attractive color. Both in-office and take-home treatments can make teeth whiter.

Aligners and braces

Crooked teeth and bite dysfunctions are often the results of genetics. Straightening teeth is a good form of a smile makeover that can make a person’s mouth more attractive. Aligners are mouthguard-like appliances that fit over the teeth and straighten them over time. Metal or ceramic braces put pressure on the crooked teeth, moving them into the right places.

It is time for your smile makeover

Living with any of these conditions can be disheartening. You may feel ashamed of your appearance and not want to be around other people. Your dentist can recommend and perform various treatments to improve the way you look. Whether your teeth are damaged, stained, or crooked, a solution is available for you.



Three Questions to Ask Your Dentist About White Dental Fillings

White dental fillings are a lot more popular than traditional silver amalgam fillings nowadays. Also known as composite fillings, the materials used are made from mixing plastic and glass resins. They can be color-matched with the patient’s teeth, so any repairs look natural in their mouth.

That leads to significantly improved aesthetics over conventional amalgam fillings, which have a dark gray color. White dental fillings can fix various dental issues like tooth decay, minor to mild chips and breaks, or stains and discoloration.

Questions to ask a dentist about white dental fillings

Thinking about restoring one or more damaged teeth with composite bonding? Here are the answers to some of the questions you might have:

1. What does the process look like?

Fixing dental issues with tooth-colored dental fillings is a non-invasive procedure that can be completed in as little as 45 minutes per tooth. It does not involve making permanent alterations to the patient’s tooth, and anesthetics are typically not used unless it is being used to treat tooth decay.

At the start of the treatment, the dentist cleans the patient’s tooth and applies an etching solution to roughen its exterior. This leads to a better bond with the composite and long-lasting results. The composite is applied to the tooth in layers and molded as needed. It is hardened with a curing light, and the tooth is polished to complete the treatment. They walk out of the clinic with their tooth fully restored.

2. How durable are these composite resins?

Tooth-colored fillings typically last as long as silver amalgam fillings. It allows the dentist to close up cavities with smaller fillings, preserving the integrity of the teeth being treated. Restorations made with composite bonding can last anywhere from 5 to 15 years. Follow-up applications of the composite can be performed as needed to preserve the appearance and effectiveness of the restoration.

3. How do I maintain composite restorations and repairs?

Teeth that have been restored with composite bonding do not need any additional maintenance besides brushing and flossing. This helps to keep the restored tooth healthy and minimizes stains forming on the tooth.

The composites used for tooth-colored fillings are more prone to stains than natural teeth. Avoiding things that can stain them, like tobacco smoke, coffee, and red wine helps preserve their color. Other things patients can do to maintain their composite fillings include:

  • Avoid mouth rinses that contain alcohol
  • Avoid abrasive oral hygiene products like those that contain baking soda
  • Avoid biting down on hard things
  • Brush twice daily and floss once each day
  • Visit a dentist twice a year so the restoration can be examined

Restore your damaged teeth

Composite bonding provides a fast solution for issues like cavities or damaged teeth. It only takes about 45 minutes to fix a tooth, and you walk out of our clinic with a restored smile. Give us a call or visit our Colorado Springs clinic to set up an appointment with our dentist.


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A Root Canal Can Save Your Damaged Tooth

You can get root canal therapy from your general dentist. The advancements in dentistry allow dentists to maintain natural teeth. A tooth with extensive decay or damage can still prevail with the right dental treatment. If you want to know how a root canal can save a damaged tooth, here are the details.

Preparing for the procedure

Many people think of root canal therapy as a terrible and painful procedure. Part of preparing for this treatment is to remove this negative thought. The latest technology in dentistry allows dentists to make each step of the procedure painless and comfortable. The general dentist may tell the patient to take antibiotics before the procedure.

A root canal may be an emergency procedure. Dental fracturing or chipping may reach the pulp area of the tooth. The damage serves as an opening for bacteria to enter. The pain from this dental damage can be debilitating. An emergency appointment with the general dentist can give the patient immediate relief.

How the root canal procedure restores a natural tooth

The general dentist will order digital X-rays to confirm the extent of the dental damage. Then, the dentist will inject the area with a local anesthetic. This will make sure the procedure will be painless and comfortable for the patient. Drilling an access hole into the top part of the crown will come next. This will give the dentist an entry point for removing the infected pulp.

Reshaping and irrigating the canal will follow. This will remove any remaining pulp. An antibacterial agent will decrease the tooth’s risk of developing infections in the future. Drying the canal will be next. Then, the dentist will fill the canal with gutta-percha.

This material is thermoplastic. In its heated state, the general dentist can compress it to the tooth’s walls. This will seal the tooth. It will prevent the tooth from any future infection.

The gutta-percha will replace the pulp. The general dentist will seal the access hole. Then, the placement of a dental crown will come next. Feeling some discomfort after the root canal procedure is natural. The patient can manage this with ibuprofen or aspirin.

Seeing the general dentist for routine dental checks will maintain the treated tooth’s health. The patient’s tooth will have a second chance. It will have a more stable structure. It will also have a stronger bite. The dental crown will correct any discoloration. It will also protect the tooth from future damage and infection.

Why a dental crown is an ideal tooth restoration

There are cases when the dental damage and infection are too severe. The damage may have even reached the jawbone already. For this situation, the general dentist will extract the tooth. Dental implant surgery or a fixed bridge treatment will follow. Both restorative procedures will use a dental crown. The crown will replace the missing tooth and stabilize the restoration.

A root canal treatment can restore your damaged tooth

Dental damage can happen at any time. A crack or a chip can reach the pulp. This will result in pain and infection. Restoring the tooth with a root canal treatment can keep the tooth structure intact. Your general dentist will place a dental crown over the treated tooth to stabilize, strengthen, and protect it from future injury or infection.

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